Our Study for this year......
our Main focus this year is
Animals and their Worlds. This is a Charlotte Mason based Curriculum By
Winter Promise- for more info click HERE there programs are not the cheapest so I just got the main activity book, and the coordinating animals spiritual thought book. Although I sure wish I had the teacher guide book. In the student activity book (that big binder) it gives, animals, trees, habitates etc to study, activities and experiments to do. Questions to answer things to think about it really is great. We just get books from the Library (or at least try to, don't get me started on how lame our Library is here) we also use the internet for fun animal videos etc. The kids made there own animal journal books and use them for all the activities.
This Animals bible story book is GREAT! you can get it on Amazon
Click HERE to check it out. For example today we read about "the busy beaver" it talks about beavers and what they do, and how hard working they are, it teaches how we can learn from the beaver and try to work hard even when we are tired or board. Then their is a scripture, but I usually look it up in the actual bible instead. The art work is really great too. (for ages 5-10+)
I have never done any formal lessons or phonics lessons with any of my boys.
I do have them watch The Baby can read movies - click HERE this is NOT Charlotte Mason biased, but we have them, and I think they help so we still use them. They are movies that "train" the brain to memorize words well. Now, let me just say I have NO desire for my kids to read at lightning speed or to be reading at HS level in elementary school. The soul reason I bought these (used on ebay) was because the guy who developed them talked about it virtually eliminating the reading disability of dyslexia. I have dyslexia and struggled all my life, and hated school. If I could change that now for my kids was going to. and I did. I DO NOT fallow the whole program, my boys (Ethan and Aaron) all watched the movie once a day or less- and we did the flash cards or books regularly- not every day. Now Ryan and Dallin do the same thing. Ryan is starting to recognize words, Dallin, can sign "more" ha ha. (has nothing to do with these movies though)
we also read books. all. the. time....
and I did get a book THIS file folder games book they are fun. I again, no formal lessons just learning from life, books and games. As we read, do letter puzzles, we talk about the "phonics rules" but no offical lessons. It has worked well for us.
Ethan, who started reading pre-school, and fully by the end of Kindergarten is now 2nd grade- (age 7) and is ripping through 3-4 grade reading level books in 30-60 minutes.
Aaron (kindergarten- age 5, and had been diagnosed with ADHD) started readind some words in preschool ans is now reading at a 1-2 grade reading level, and really taking off.
This is also a reading "program" set of books that I can across when reading with Aaron, and I really love them They are called Now I am reading - click HERE to check them out. Each set is a group of 10 little books. They start from pre-readers and progress through the levels to independent readers. Aaron really loves them, and Ryan (is not reading on his own much yet) but will point to the word and say it after me. He really loves them too. There is a place the kids can put a sticker when they read the book, they are funny to read, and the art work is great too. I got these on Amazon and also a set of three of them on ebay. All used.

I love this math program, plain and simple. That is what it is. It teaches math in the most clear way. The lessons are short, the work for the kids is short. Math is the only officle lesson that we do every day, and the kids are really getting it. The teachers DVD's are great for the kids, they watch him teach the lesson (we stop and talk about it along the way) and they do it. If they have questions they ask. But the directions are so easy and simple and with the blocks they can visually work everything out. I love it, and I am glad it goes up all through HS math too.
Other Subjects- for fun -
those are our main subjects, we read, and do math every day. Animals lessons we to twice a week then other lessons we have do 1 time a week or every 2 weeks are they are; Science, Art, Sign Language, geography (have not started yet) music, and Language Arts.
Language Arts-
I do a this book a well Trained Mind - click HERE with Ethan, (note this book is level 1 only the book I have is grade 1 & 2 together) but I only do it 1 lesson a week or every couple weeks. Charlotte Mason style does not start formal Language Arts lessons until grade 3. She says to focus more on developing a love for learning, as well as good Habits. Her thoughts are that teaching these things at this young of a age is just pouring facts that they do not fully understand in their head. If you wait until they are older they get it, and they get it fast and there is no need to repeat year after year. Same with spelling. So, we do this lightly just as an introduction. I like the book nice short lessons. The poems in it are dumb though. I don't do them. But I like how it is laid out and quick to do. I do not fallow all the activites, but the basic instruction for the lessons I like, esspecially since I know I am BAD at Language arts :) ha ha
PE- the boys do a PE- for Homeschoolers program at the YMCA and they LOVE it!
they get to play all kinds of sports with other homeschooling kids, and they have a ton of fun.
There is also another group of kids that gets to gether once a week that homeschool in the area and do physical activites too. Plus our Church Homeschool group does feild trips/activites once a month too!
Sign Language- I love it! I have taught all the kids sign when they were babies, they all dropped it when they started talking, but we are getting back into it, and it is fun to do with the boys. We have these DVD's and I love them- the creator is also LDS :) we do this 2 times a month - but practice more then that just for fun casually.
this is a Winter Promise (same company as my main curriculum) program. Is is Nature and science program. There is a teacher book that tell me just what to do, and what books what pages and what activities to do. I love it, there is no work for me there programs are really great. I got this set used on ebay. The kids made Science Notebooks with lined and plain paper. (I LOVE MY LAMINATE AND BOOK BINDING MACHINES)
Art and Music-
nothing formal here, we go with the flow, play-dough, paint, marker, whatever they want. Sometimes we play music, sometimes we dance and listen to it. When they get older we will start doing picture study with art (I think next year) and also music study- and learn different artists. Right now it is all about loving the atmophere of learning, and developing good habits (more on that in posts to come).

this is not easy... homeschooling.... but I love it, it is extreamly rewarding because I know it is what right for may family, and I love learning right along with them.