Saturday, December 7, 2013

Math Activities K-4th grade

I try to do math in a "fun Activity" way once a week just to make things more fun. Here are some things we have done. 

Copy work- I know we hear about copy work being good for spelling in the CM world but it is really good for math too. We have this book that you spin the wheel and it shows the answers to the multiplication tables. Ethan was doing copy work with this book. (fall 2013) 
I made 4 boxed on piece of paper then I wrote a problem on it, and he used his blocks to build it out, and did dot paints to write the answer. Just a fun way to practice this addition problems. (12/2013)
This is another fun game that we like to do. I found this board on Pinterest - it is a plain board and I printed it off, colored it and laminated it. Then I can write what ever problems on it I want. We roll a dice, answer the problem. If you get it right, you get to roll again to see how many Lego's you get to "build a tower" or you can just play where you get "that many that you rolled" 

 We used Lego figures for our games pieced. All the boys love this game. you can do addition, subtraction or multiplication etc. Here is where I got the game board Game Board HERE!
 This was in March 2014
White board + Nerf gun = fun math facts practice. You can do this many ways but we did it where he would shoot two numbers then a -/+ dice to decided if he has to add them or subtract them. He just played until he was done, but he got lots of practice in, and really liked it. (fall 2013) 
Play dough always makes math more fun! 
 Ryan likes to take his math sheet and just do the problems in play bough I feel like this slows him down to really understand and memorize the problems not just rush to get the sheet done.

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