I do some things at the same time- Like Math- but they are all in different work books. Our unit Animal studies, science and art we do together, but Language arts, and reading I do with each boy. So then comes the question "what do you do with the others while you are working with one kid?" I say.... they do a Binder Activity (see page My Home School Style) I will do another post later about the Binder in more details) In short it is a binder with all different activities for them that they can do under different subjects while I work with others. They can be done by themselves or with another child that I am not working with.
Here is Ethan working on a puzzle and reading THIS book- we love this book- it comes with a puzzle and also a place for them to collect quarters for each state
Here is Aaron and Ryan working with the Draw right Now books - I got this set on ebay used for about $5 a book. I worked with Ryan while the other boys did there own. These are a fun way for kids to practice writing skills. They have step by step for drawing then they write the fun facts about the animal or things in the picture. I do not have all the kids write everything. Ryan does some letters, Aaron one line Ethan does 2-3 lines.

Boys playing with THESE wooden shapes They boys got these as gift a couple years ago
I have shared this idea before... these are Bendaroos - I got these on ebay- but you can also get them on amazon. I got a ebook that I printed off as well with letters, numbers, shapes, dot to dots and more templates. They also like to build all kinds of things with them.
Math Building- This is where Ethan builds things with coins and then adds up the sum of what he built. He has made a pizza, a robot, among others.
just a few of the ideas that I put into the binders. I put new ideas every month or so, to keep things fun, and yes I do use the same ideas over and over again-
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