Friday, September 6, 2013

Lego Barn - Family project

Ethan was given a cow Lego piece by his friend, and he was also picked to bring something to show and tell about at Lego Club. Ethan decided he wanted to make a barn. Soooo of course I got all excited, and we busted out our new favorite Lego idea book and got to work. 
 Again- we all helped but Ethan and I worked on this the most. The roof was the hardest part!!! and when the boys finally took this all apart I think I about cried. Good thing I took pictures!
The top pictures is our barn and the front view- our family is all eating at the table- outside :)
 Here is the side view, with the ducks, and a little pond.
 Here is our family, each boy picked out and designed there own Mini figure to look just like them, but then they played with them, and when I went to take pictures they could not find them, so Ethan made these but they are not as good as the ones we did originally
 Inside we have our horse, cow, and pig- which we built. But we now have a pink Lego pig piece, so next time we do a farm (and I know we will) we will have a pink pig!
 Above those animals we have the chickens, Ethan designed these with the help of some ideas in a castle Lego book we got from the library.

 Here is the inside of the barn on the side, this is where the family lives. - yes we love our animals sooo much we live inside with them (this is how they wanted it) Up stairs is the potty, sink, and the boys beds.
 Bellow is the Will and I bed :) and our stove, food, supplies, and piano.
 Will is making dinner while I play the piano :)

 Our little tractor trailer we build to do all the work on our farm.
 We are all singing around the piano while I play- at the time we were practicing and singing the star spangled banner, which I am learning to play (I had it down really good- but have not practiced and now I am really bad at it again) Anyway- so us all singing together while I play was on the boys minds. Although it was my idea to build the piano.

 Here is a cool pick up truck I did, because those are a must on a farm, and above is the dog house that Ethan made, for our Lego dog. (could not find him when I took these pictures)
I do not even want to think about the hours I sometimes feel like we "waste" doing Legos but you know- we really do have lots of fun, and learn new creative skills on how thinks work and fit together

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