we use Winter Promises Science program. (click for a link) the one we are using this year is a little different as I bought a used set of books+ teachers manuel on ebay. I love their programs and teachers manuals, so easy to use they have hands on easy things for kids to do, the lessons are not long, make prep easy for me!
Above: the boys learning about the length of days in the seasons, and the way the sun rotators, and the way the earth rotates.
Here we are learning about water/ice and salt, and how it effects causing ice to melt faster. The kids did an ice fishing activity- and really enjoyed it.
Here we talked about water and oil and how they don't mix and for fun we added alka seltzer to create bubbles, and talked about gas, since we could "see it" in the bubbles, this was part of our solids, liquid and gas section of our study- the kids LOVED this...
just a little pink into some of the things we did for science over the past few months
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