Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Night Time Activity

This past weekend the boys went camping with Will on the ward camp out. I stayed home with Ryan, because it was 89 out and 90% humidity.

BUT the day before for summer school we learned about the night sky. We read books about starts and a funny story about a boy taking a walk in the forest at night.

Then for an activity the boys drew pictures of things in the night, (starts, rockets, and really whatever they wanted) but it was all drawn with WHITE or a LIGHT YELLOW crayon. So they could not really see it that well.
Then after they were done drawing, they painted over the crayon with blue and black water color paint. Making there drawing show through. This was lots of fun, BUT the pictures were best once they were dry.

(Note: Also the yellow crayon worked better than the white, and do not have your water color pain to watered down. the more "paint" consistency or the darker the paint is the better is shows up)
The boys thought this was fun watching the "magic picture show thorough. They were also SOOOOOO excited to see the stars and find the Big Dipper, with daddy. They also went on a little dark night walk in the "forest" with there flash lights like in the book we read.

I love watching my boys enjoy making there reading come to life.

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