Trains and Trucks - we read some fun books filled with trains and trucks and did these pictures building with shapes.
T is for Turkey - I had big plans of reading books all about thanksgiving, but our Library is well, sad, and the two books they have were check out, so I will plan better next year to get those books a head of time. But we did still do this fun craft together. I saw this idea on pintrest.
T is for Turtle - Here Ryan is doing some activities that I got from Confesstions of a homeschooler, we also ready I think a book about turtles, I had planed to do a turtel rock craft I found in family fun, and study turtle's more, but life happens and this did not go as planed. But I am sure I will have another change to do them another time.

T is for Thanksgiving- On thanksgiving day we went to visit friends, and headed out on our thanksgiving family trip, we talked about how how greatful we are to the lord for blessing us with such wondeful blessings, and trying to focus more in our prayers to thank the lord for specific things.
T is for Thanksgiving- On thanksgiving day we went to visit friends, and headed out on our thanksgiving family trip, we talked about how how greatful we are to the lord for blessing us with such wondeful blessings, and trying to focus more in our prayers to thank the lord for specific things.
and as always we read chick-a chick-a boom boom and put the letter T and t on the alphabet tree.
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