I made these bird feeders a while ago with the kids, and they LOVED them, we did them again this past week, and they still want to make them again. They are so easy, the they love watching the birds enjoy them! Here is how they are super-easy!
what you need: bird seeds (I got the cheapest kind at wal-mart) Ice cream cones, peanut butter, a pipe cleaner and scissors.
1. Cut a the tip of the ice cream cone.
2. Fold your pipe cleaners in half, and then twist the end to make a ball/knot.
3. spread the peanut butter all over the cone (not to thick)
4. Cover the cone with the seeds. (I dumped them in a big container, and then had the kids sprinkle the on, and press them on)
5. Lace the pipe cleaner through the hole, and your done!
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